ex-raphi xx
- Grade : Caporal
- Messages : 55
- Photos : 0
- Sujets : 0
- Date d'inscription : Jan. 1, 1970, 1 a.m.
Derniers messages
pourquoi pas HK417.
On peut rajouter le C-130 et l'A10 dans cette mission d'éparpillement ( pour ceux qui se demande ou était passé raphi xx , j'ai des gros problèmes de lignes téléphoniques chez moi, coucou a tous et bonne vacance )Pit a écrit
C'est certainement aussi ce dernier qui a le plus éparpillé de gens, en tout plein de petits morceaux, toujours sur notre planète bleue.topgun2006 a écrit
[…] F-16 est The chasseur, celui qui a réuni tout plein de gens sur notre planète bleue. -
d9pouces a écrit
Pour avoir les coudées franches pour les autres contrats à l'export ?
En attendant, dans le dernier Air Fan, ils parlent (en citant la dernière analyse budgétaire du Congrès) d'un prix par avion proche des 203 millions de dollars (donc environ la même évaluation que l'Armée Israélienne)… D'un autre côté, la Norvège nous parle de 2,5Md$ pour 48 avions sur 30 ans, soit 52 millions l'unité, donc 4 fois moins cher Ils sont sûrs d'avoir bien regardé les petites lignes en bas du contrat et que les moteurs et l'électronique sont bien fournis ?
203 millions!!! quelle explosion des couts . 1 milliard les 5 . A ce prix là autant acheter un porte avions -
Four CV-22 Ospreys from the 8th Special Operations Squadron here returned after completing their first operational deployment broke supporting Exercise Flintlock 2009 in November in Bamako, Mali.
The aircraft supported the training exercise in the Trans-Saharan region designed to build relationships and capacity and to enhance African nations' ability to patrol and control their sovereign territory.
The exercise included personnel from 15 countries, and the CV-22 served as a platform for multinational training. Specifically, the aircraft was used to transport Malian and Senegalese special operations forces and their leadership teams.
"We did long range, vertical lift, and dropped (teams) off at a landing zone," said Capt. Dennis Woodlief, an 8th SOS pilot. "They practiced their ground movements, then we brought them back."
Missions like this allowed the CV-22 to take advantage of its unique capabilities as a tilt rotor aircraft, said Lt. Col. Eric Hill, the 8th SOS squadron commander.
"The tyranny of distance in the African continent is amazing," he said. "We were able to go over 500 nautical miles, infiltrate a small team for them to run their exercise, and bring them back all the way to home base without doing an air refueling stop. And we were able to do that in the span of about four hours. "
"It would take the MH-53 (Pave Low) twice, sometimes three times as long (to do these missions)," Captain Woodlief said. "And we did it with just one aircraft."
Colonel Hill said the CV-22 is an "unprecedented capability." And with the new capability, there were also new lessons to be learned."We learned some lessons like we always do on different equipment we'd like to have and requirements that we'll have in the future," he said.
Many of those lessons revolve around tailoring maintenance packages for future deployments.
Members of the 1st Special Operations Helicopter Maintenance Squadron deployed to Bamako in support of the 8th SOS. Because the exercise was held at a remote location rather than an established base, one of the maintenance challenges was self-deploying with all the parts and equipment they needed to keep the CV-22s operational for the entire exercise, and for the cumulative 10,000 nautical mile trans-Atlantic flights.
"We have a laundry list about three pages long of things we'd like to take next time," said Master Sgt. Craig Kornely, the squadron's lead production supervisor. "As we grow into the machine, we realize our needs for equipment and resources."
But despite the challenges of operating a new aircraft for the first time overseas and in an austere environment, the squadron had a perfect mission success rate during the exercise.
"We had zero maintenance cancels, zero delays, and we executed 100 percent every time," Captain Woodlief said. "I think we went above and beyond everyone's expectations."
http://www.air-attack.com/news/article/3461/CV-22s-complete-first-operational-deployment.html -
Un groupe de navires de la Flotte russe du Nord participera, le 1er décembre, aux manoeuvres navales russo-vénézuéliennes VENRUS-2008, a confié à RIA-Novosti le porte-parole de la Marine de guerre russe, le capitaine de vaisseau Igor Dygalo.
Selon lui, le principal objectif des manoeuvres, qui dureront deux jours, consiste à organiser une coopération, en haute mer, entre des bâtiments de guerre de deux pays qui n'ont jamais opéré jusqu'à présent sous un commandement unique.
La partie russe sera représentée aux manoeuvres par le croiseur nucléaire lourd Piotr Veliki (Pierre le Grand), le destroyer lance-missile Admiral Tchebanenko et par deux navires auxiliaires. Des hélicoptères embarqués prendront également part aux manoeuvres, ainsi que plus de 1.600 fusiliers marins, qui se trouvent à bord des bâtiments russes en visite au Venezuela.
Selon le ministère vénézuélien, Caracas dépêchera pour sa part trois frégates, un navire amphibie de transport, quatre patrouilleurs et quatre vedettes garde-côtes. Des unités de l'aviation embarquée et une escadrille de chasseurs Su-30MK2 seront également engagés. Les exercices se dérouleront avec la participation de 700 soldats vénézuéliens.
Les manoeuvres se dérouleront, comme prévu, à l'extérieur des eaux territoriales vénézuéliennes, à une distance de 100 à 150 milles marins du littoral, dans la zone économique du pays.
http://fr.rian.ru/defense/20081201/118619938.html -
The UK Ministry of Defence's Airborne Standoff Radar (ASTOR) system has made its operational debut over Afghanistan, ending a two-year delay in getting the ground surveillance asset into frontline use.
Military sources say the Royal Air Force's 5(AC) Sqn met an objective to have two Raytheon Systems-supplied Sentinel R1 aircraft and two ground stations operational during November, the benchmark required for the system to achieve its in-service date.
A UK counterpart to the US Air Force's Boeing 707-based Northrop Grumman E-8C JSTARS airborne ground surveillance system, ASTOR will deliver imagery from its dual-mode synthetic aperture radar and ground moving target indication sensor in support of ground operations.
The Sentinel R1s - modified Bombardier Global Express business jets - plus related ground-based communications and imagery exploitation equipment are now at undisclosed sites in the Middle East region, the sources say. The MoD formally announced the in-service date milestone on 1 December."Training of squadron personnel and development of the system has progressed exceedingly well over the last 18 months," says Wg Cdr Harry Kemsley, officer commanding 5 Sqn. "The squadron is now in a position to make a positive contribution to current operations in the very near future."
Raytheon Systems, meanwhile, expects to hand over the UK's fifth and last Sentinel R1 airframe before year-end at RAF Waddington, Lincolnshire. The type had originally been scheduled to meet an in-service target of November 2006, but the £860 million ($1.3 billion) programme suffered development delays with its radar, including the loss of one sensor during a ground mishap.
"As part of the ongoing operational development process ASTOR will undertake an overseas deployment prior to achieving full operating capability about two years from now," says the MoD.
http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2008/12/01/319508/uks-astor-system-achieves-delayed-in-service-date.html -
Embraer has awarded Elbit Systems an approximately $67 million contract for the development and prototype phase of an avionics upgrade to the Brazilian air force's Alenia/Embraer AMX strike aircraft.
The companies will prepare two prototype aircraft to support the modernisation programme, says Ran Hellerstein, executive vice-president of Elbit Systems - Aerospace, who adds: "Work starts immediately". If successful, the work will lead to a follow-on production contract likely to be worth around $120 million to Elbit and to run through 2014.Elbit and its wholly owned Brazilian subsidiary Aeroelectronica (AEL) will supply a new main mission computer and weapons management system for the modernised AMX fleet, plus replacement cockpit displays and other undisclosed equipment. Elbit's Israeli subsidiary Elisra Electronic Systems will provide new electronic warfare equipment under subcontract to AEL.
Signed on 10 November, the AMX deal follows earlier collaboration between Embraer and Elbit on the Brazilian air force's Embraer EMB-314 Super Tucano trainer/light attack aircraft and Northrop F-5BR fighter upgrade.
Brazil's active AMX inventory totals 60 A/T-model aircraft, according to Flight's MiliCAS database. The type is also in service with the Italian air force.
http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2008/11/12/318746/brazils-amx-fleet-to-get-elbit-avionics-upgrade.html -
les talibans est ce qu'ils ont ,comme le hezbollah, tout l'attirail anti-tant ou "juste" des rpg 7 ?
bon je fais le modo vous ètes hors-sujet
C'est quoi la difference entre du 120 et du 140 mm ?
Vitesse de l'obus plus grand pour le 140 ? idem pour la perforation de blindage ? plus grande portée ?
Merci d'avance. -
Merci guns , j'ai aussi trouvé ça :
-Diesel-electric propulsion
-135mm gun
-360° sensors and ECM and network-capability
-pro-active electric reactive armor
-Weight > 55 tonnes
-ceramics&fiber armor instead of steel
-virtual reality for the driver and gunner
-only two guys are sufficient to man it
-autoloader for three different types of ammo
<!– w –><a class="postlink" href="http://www.itar-tass.com
..</a><!– w –>.
<!– w –><a class="postlink" href="http://www.tanksim.com
..</a><!– w –>.
<!– w –><a class="postlink" href="http://www.globalsecurity.org
..</a><!– w –>.
De http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread141818/pg1 -
Pour le nouveau chasseur rendez vous dans … 6 mois .
quelle masse le t-95 approcherait ? il m'a l'air léger sur les photos .
Ce char marque vraiment une rupture technologique ( dans le bon sens ou dans le mauvais ? ) -
Rafighter a écrit
180 Rafale commandés jusqu'en 2020, ça fait pas bézef… mais bon, c'est sûrement normal.
A peu près le mème nombre que le f-22 pour l' USAF . Pour moi c'est correct vu les menaces pour notre pays. -
Façon CV-22 , c'est originale… mais ils ont du travail .
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ex-raphi xx n'a créé aucune galerie photo pour l'instant.