Suite au démantèlement d'un réseau de trafiquants de pièces d'avions (dont celle de Tomcat) qui expédiait ces dernières vers l'Iran, la décision a été prise de détruire tous les F-14 stockés, sauf quelques-uns qui ont été "donnés" dans differents musées, mais avec l'obligation de rester sur le sol US.
Ayé, n'ais retrouvé !
The standards could not be further apart–one for those who want to take military hardware out of the United States (sometimes under false pretenses) and another for those who are importing foreign military hardware into the United States legally. But in the case of the F-14, the Pentagon has decided not even to try and address the deficiencies in its oversight procedures.
Instead, a $3.7 million contract has been given to a St. Louis-based firm, TRI-Rinse, to destroy the F 14s and other military equipment that could be of use to Iran and other hostile nations. Using portable heavy machinery, TRI-Rinse's personnel literally grind the Tomcats into unrecognizable chunks of metal. "One of the ways to make sure that no one will ever use an F-14 again is to cut them into little 2-by-2-foot bits," said the company's vice president.
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