Aeronautica Militare Italiana - Italie

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  • J'ai lu dans un vieux Figaro du mois d'août que l'Italie allait probablement réduire sa commande de Typhoon ( passage de la troisième tranche de 48 à 26 appareils )…

    C'est confirmé ?
    Ah que je destroye tout ! Ou pas. :pSur AMN : Ciders, commandeur suprême, 10872 messages, inscrit le 02 septembre 2006, à 22 h 18
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  • Ciders a écrit

    J'ai lu dans un vieux Figaro du mois d'août que l'Italie allait probablement réduire sa commande de Typhoon ( passage de la troisième tranche de 48 à 26 appareils )…

    C'est confirmé ?

    J'ai trouvé ça :
    :arrow: Italy sees cut in Eurofighter order
    Italy will "probably" cut its order of 121 Eurofighter jets because the planes have become more expensive, the defence ministry said Monday.
    Rome has already bought 75 Eurofighters in two rounds of purchases. It was expected to take delivery of another 46 after 2012 in a third round of purchases, but that was now in doubt, a spokesman said.
    The country has already taken more than a dozen of the multi-role combat jets, which are replacing its ageing fleet of US-made F-16s.

    A noter :
    The Handelsblatt report said Britain and Italy were under pressure to reduce their Eurofighter orders because they were also to take delivery of Joint Strike Fighters, a US-made rival to the Eurofighter that costs roughly the same.
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  • pilou a écrit

    A noter :
    The Handelsblatt report said Britain and Italy were under pressure to reduce their Eurofighter orders because they were also to take delivery of Joint Strike Fighters, a US-made rival to the Eurofighter that costs roughly the same.

    Sous la pression de qui? Des américains?
    Les anglais et les italiens dervraient réduire leur comande d'avions nationnaux pour en acheter un étranger? Même si ils ont mis des billes dans le JSF, ca n'a rien a voir avec ce qu'ils ont mis dans le typhoon…
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  • Etre sous pression ne veut pas forcément dire que quelqu'un t'a mis la pression. Ils peuvent être sous pression tout simplement au niveau financier. Les programmes Typhoon et JSF ont augmenté, surtout le dernier, il est donc logique qu'ils reconsidèrent leurs commandes.
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  • Second Italian Eurofighter Base Readies for Debut

    The Italian Air Force will station Eurofighters at a second base Oct. 1 when it deploys four aircraft to Gioia del Colle in Puglia in southern Italy. Hangars and aprons are now being refurbished to host the Eurofighter component, which will reach full operational capability for air defense missions by January 2009 and grow to a squadron strength of about 15 aircraft by the end of 2009, said Col. Antonio Conserva, commander of Gioia del Colle’s 36th Wing…

    … Situated in the heel of Italy, Gioia del Colle currently hosts Tornado IDS ground-attack aircraft flown by the 156th Squadron. Those 15 aircraft will be transferred next year to Italy’s Ghedi base.

    “As part of a rationalization operation, Italy’s Tornados will be now grouped at two bases in northern Italy, Ghedi and Piacenza,” said Conserva. “The use of the Tornados during the Kosovo campaign gave Gioia real visibility, but the coming deployment of a new generation aircraft like the Eurofighter means a return to the spotlight.”

    In addition to ground-attack missions, air defense duties have been undertaken since the 1960s from Gioia by the 12th squadron, which flew F-104s and then Tornado ADV aircraft leased from the United Kingdom between 1995 and 2004, with 24 Tornados based at Gioia. Subsequently, the Aermacchi MB339 CD jet trainer has been deployed there to counter slow-moving threats such as light aircraft, although the MB339 is now being phased out at Gioia and only three to four are operational from the base, Conserva said…

    … Like the Grosseto-based aircraft, the Block 2 Eurofighters heading for Gioia will be armed with Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles, AIM-9L missiles and the 27mm Mauser cannon. After the first four arrivals in October, Conserva said he expected another four in 2008 and six to eight aircraft a year from 2009 onward…

    … All Italy’s first-tranche aircraft will be upgraded to Block 5 standard, with the Passive Infra-Red Airborne Tracking Equipment, which combines forward-looking infrared with infrared search and track. Alenia officials say the type will also be able to use bombs such as the GBU-10, GBU-16 and Paveway II, although the Italian Air Force has no plans to buy those weapons…


    Si vis pacem parabellum! Si cette phrase veut dire qu'il faut préparer la guerre afin d'avoir la paix, elle ne signifie pas pour autant qu'il faille la faire, la guerre, surtout en mettant la paix en danger.Rafighter
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  • Lockheed Martin Signs Agreement to Support Italian C-130J Aircraft Fleet
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  • Italy grapples with funding dilemma over Tranche 3 Eurofighters
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    Alenia Aeronautica is to upgrade 14 Italian air force Alenia Aermacchi MB-339CDs to the CD2 standard, before the service changes the fleet's mission from intercepting slow-moving targets to pilot training. To be replaced by the Eurofighter Typhoon, the aircraft will eventually join 14 MB-339CD2s in use at Lecce-Galatina air base. The €41.2 million ($58.3 million) upgrade will take two years to complete.
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  • La Lamborghini Reventon contre un Panavia Tornado jet-fighter

    La Lamborghini Reventon s'inspire grandement des avions de chasse et plus particulièrement du F-22 Raptor. Pour faire parler de son modèle exclusif, Lamborghini a organisé un petit duel entre sa bête et un autre avion de chasse : un Panavia Tornado jet-fighter. C'est donc sur la base de Ghedi en Italie, que la Lamborghini Reventon a du affronter le bel avion ! Comme pour toutes les confrontations avec des avions de chasse, la Lamborghini à logiquement mis quelques mètre au Tornado dans les premières secondes avant de s'incliner face au monstre des airs. Pour comprendre la performance, voyons un peu les caractéristiques de chaque engin. la Panavia Tornado a été vendu pour la première fois il y a trente ans, il pèse 20 tonnes et ses réacteurs fournissent une poussée de presque 15 tonnes. Cela permet à cet avion de chasse d'attendre 2 400 km/h ! La Reventon cache un moteur V12 développant une puissance de 650 ch à 8 000 tr/mn et un couple de 660 Nm à 6 000 tr/mn, elle pèse 1 665 kg, abat le 0 à 100 km/h en 3,4 secondes et peut atteindre 340 km/h.

    Les photos:
    Si vis pacem parabellum! Si cette phrase veut dire qu'il faut préparer la guerre afin d'avoir la paix, elle ne signifie pas pour autant qu'il faille la faire, la guerre, surtout en mettant la paix en danger.Rafighter
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  • C'est truqué ! Jamais le Tornado n'aurait dû réussir. J'm'demande combien qu'à mis BAE sur cette opération. :mrgreen:
    Ah que je destroye tout ! Ou pas. :pSur AMN : Ciders, commandeur suprême, 10872 messages, inscrit le 02 septembre 2006, à 22 h 18
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  • New Eurofighter Simulator Handed Over to Italian AF

    Alenia Aeronautica has delivered a new Eurofighter simulator to the Italian Air Force, the company announced Dec. 6.
    The Enhanced Aircrew Cockpit Procedure Trainer 3 (E-ACPT3) is the first of two of the type built by the Finmeccanica unit for delivery to the Air Force’s Eurofighter bases at Grosseto and Gioia del Colle. The first simulator will be operational by year’s end at Grosseto, Alenia said. Alenia has already built an ACPT1 prototype and ACPT2 procedure trainer for the Air Force, with the latter delivered to Grosseto in October 2006. During a presentation at Alenia’s Turin facility, an E-ACPT3 was linked to two other simulators, allowing pilots to stage a mock mission over Tuscany with two Eurofighters and a C-27J aircraft. During the 30-minute simulation, intruder aircraft “downed” an Alenia-built Sky-X UAV patrolling during a dignitary visit to Pisa. One Eurofighter intercepted and downed the two enemy aircraft while a second Eurofighter escorted the dignitary, flying in a C-27J, from Pisa to Grosseto air base.
    Si vis pacem parabellum! Si cette phrase veut dire qu'il faut préparer la guerre afin d'avoir la paix, elle ne signifie pas pour autant qu'il faille la faire, la guerre, surtout en mettant la paix en danger.Rafighter
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  • PICTURES: Lockheed Martin C-130J transports Italian AgustaWestland A129 helicopter 8)
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  • Italian air force accepts first Eurofighter Typhoon simulator
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  • First Batch of AW109N Helicopters Delivered to Italy
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  • Italy tests Eurofighter Typhoon's air-to-air pedigree
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