[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/europe-de-lest-et-pacte-de-varsovie-32/topic/mig-21-547/?post=99203#post-99203]stanak[/url] a dit le 16/05/2014 à 08:33 :[/b]

[quote]Shapira also recommended that the captured MiG-21 be painted red and white, so that no IAF pilot would ever mistake it for an enemy MiG-21. The captured plane almost went into combat in the spring of 1967. At the time, a mystery enemy plane, which seemed to be a MiG-21, made occasional appearances on Israeli radar screens. It used to cross the Jordanian-Egyptian border over Eilat, and the IAF Staff was concerned that by the possibility it was taking reconnaissance photographs of the Israeli 7th Regiment, which was arrayed along the border with Egypt. The Mirages that had been scrambled towards had not even been able to make eye contact with it, and Shapira suggested putting the MiG-21 - which had better acceleration than the Mirage - on interception alert. The green light was given. The MiG was equipped with Shafrir air-to-air missiles and shells, and Shapira sat in the cockpit for three days, awaiting the moment in which he would be scrambled to meet the MiG. But the mystery MiG never showed up.[/quote]

[quote="Clansman"]Un pilote irakien a accepté de faire défection avec son Fishbed (à moins que ce soit lui qui l'ait proposé, c'est là que les versions de l'histoire divergent) à la condition que sa famille soit protégée.[/quote]
ce fut un travail de longue haleine, et pas un acte irréfléchi. Ce fut un commun accord. Toute sa famille adoptée par Israël et un travail à vie.