[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/histoire-et-actualit%C3%A9s-45/topic/disparitions-davions-2736/?post=96959#post-96959]paxwax[/url] a dit le 19/03/2014 à 15:54 :[/b] Je viens de lire (sur [url=http://edition.cnn.com/2014/03/19/world/asia/malaysia-airlines-plane/index.html?hpt=hp_t1]CNN[/url]) que le nouveau cap qui ramenait l'avion vers la Malaisie aurait ete entre dans l'ordinateur de bord au moins 12 minutes avant le fameux "Et bien, bonne nuit". [quote]...the aircraft's first major change of course -- an abrupt westward turn that took the plane off its route to China and back across the Malay Peninsula -- was almost certainly programmed by somebody in the cockpit. The change was entered into the plane's system at least 12 minutes before a person in the cockpit, believed to be the co-pilot, signed off to air traffic controllers.[/quote] Ca ne cadre pas avec la these de l'incendie :interr: . PS: J'admets cependant que CNN, ce n'est pas le media le plus... fiable :mrgreen: .[/quote]