[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/aviation-civile-17/topic/duel-airbusboeing-240/?post=95016#post-95016]paxwax[/url] a dit le 10/01/2014 à 10:10 :[/b] [quote]Despite Boeing's numerous problems in launching the Dreamliner, it has still gone toe-to-toe with Airbus' A380 airliner at every turn, [b]competing for orders across the globe[/b].[/quote] Very weird statement (well, actually false), and odd comparison. These 2 planes do not compete against each other at all. They're just not in the same class: the A380 seats hundreds of people more than the Dreamliner, it's not used on the same routes. Their price tags are not at all whithin the same range, and neither are their MTOW or, more generally their economics. It would make far more sense to say that the A350 and the Dreamliner have gone toe-to-toe, or the A350 and the B777. [i]//En francais: Tres etrange affirmation (fausse, au deumeurant), et comparaison bizarre. Ces 2 avions ne sont pas du tout en competition. Ils n'appartiennent pas a la meme classe d'aeronefs: l'A380 embarque des centaines de passagers de plus que le Dreamliner, il n'est pas utilise sur les memes lignes. Leurs prix d'achat sont tres differents, leur masse au decollage plus encore, et plus generalement, on ne parle pas du tout du meme budget. Il serait bien plus approprie d'ecrire que le Dreamliner et l'A350 luttent pour des contrats, ou l'A350 et le B777.[/i][/quote]