[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/afrique-21/topic/nigerian-air-force-821/?post=91286#post-91286]ouakamois[/url] a dit le 26/08/2013 à 18:44 :[/b]

Un extrait de cet article [b]AIR FORCE SECURITY ASSISTANCE TRAINING SQUADRON[/b] laisse à penser que le Nigéria, la Mauritanie et le Kenya, après le Niger vont profiter du programme C208 ISR de la USAF
[b]Africa Command (AFRICOM) Division (AFSAT/DO1)
"The AFRICOM Division consists of six (6) personnel who manage training programs for 54 different countries. Training Programs are managed from inception to completion. Professional Country Managers (CM) and Program Managers (PM) expertly develop and manage $21.9M of USAF training programs. Current major programs include: Libya C-130H, C-130J and C-17; Morocco F-16 and G-550 programs; Nigeria, Mauritania and Kenya Cessna 208 ISR programs; Algeria C-130 flight training: Gabon C-130; Nigeria C-130 and SUPT programs; Tunisia C-130J training; Ethiopia C-130/L-100 reconstitution program; Botswana C-130 training; South Africa C-130 training, and the International Military Education and Training (IMET) Programs for AFRICOM countries. A significant portion of AFRICOM training efforts are via Mobile Training Teams (MTTs) used to meet training requirements ranging from C-208 MEDEVAC to C-130 airlift/airdrop to F-16 follow-on support."[/b][/quote]