[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/am%C3%A9rique-15/topic/united-states-air-force-33/?post=87191#post-87191]nico2[/url] a dit le 11/04/2013 à 19:50 :[/b] Les personnels sont mis aux congés forcés. :S L'esquisse de l'avenir s'annonce bien sombre, cf. les dernières lectures que j'ai pu faire. Exemple : [url=http://www.defensenews.com/article/20130411/DEFREG02/304110014/Top-HASC-Democrat-More-Pentagon-Cuts-Likely-8216-Under-Any-Scenario-8217-]More Pentagon Cuts Likely ‘Under Any Scenario’[/url] [quote]As the White House and Congress try one last time for the kind of big fiscal deal that would turn off the sequestration cuts, a top House Democrat says additional defense cuts will happen “under any scenario.”[/quote][/quote]