[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/h%C3%A9licopt%C3%A8res-50/topic/remplacement-de-marine-one-151/?post=8099#post-8099]vigi[/url] a dit le 08/05/2009 à 22:22 :[/b]

Programme du budget de la défense US 2010

[quote]The Administration proposes to terminate the Presidential Helicopter replacement (VH-71) program and
to initiate a new Presidential Helicopter replacement program, and to properly develop options for a fiscal
year 2011 follow-on program. The Presidential Helicopter is responsible for the safe, reliable transport of
the President in administrative and contingency environments, worldwide. The VH-71 is being developed
to replace the existing VH-3D and VH-60N helicopters, which currently serve as "Marine One".

The VH-71 program is six years behind schedule, and its cost has grown from $6.5 billion to over $13
billion. Over $3.2 billion has already been spent on this program with no operational aircraft delivered. The
Government Accountability Office has warned that future costs of the VH-71 are unknown,1, 2 and the
Congressional Research Service has raised the question if the current program should be cancelled.3 These
high costs and schedule slippage have occurred because of challenging program requirements and an
ambitious schedule. Instead of continuing to pursue the current program, the Administration proposes to
cancel it, review requirements, and establish a new program. A new Presidential Helicopter replacement
program will allow the Administration to take advantage of new technologies and develop a helicopter that
is fiscally responsible while still meeting the President's requirements.
Funding in 2010 will cover termination costs, Government efforts to develop options for a Presidential
Helicopter replacement program, and service life extensions for the current Presidential Helicopter fleet.[/quote]
