[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/portes-avions-39/topic/ford-class-nouveaux-g%C3%A9ants-des-mers-utopie-ou-r%C3%A9alit%C3%A9-556/?post=8082#post-8082]vigi[/url] a dit le 08/05/2009 à 22:28 :[/b] Le CVN-79 maintenu au programme du budget 2010 US, mais repoussé d'un an. [quote]The Administration proposes to delay the aircraft carrier, CVN-79, by one year from 2012 to 2013 which reduces advance procurement funding for the ship in 2010. CVN-79 is the second ship in the Ford Class of aircraft carriers. This next generation aircraft carrier will include new technologies such as advanced radar and an electromagnetic aircraft launch and recovery system. The delay will allow the Navy to begin procuring aircraft carriers at five-year intervals instead of four, while still meeting its wartime requirements and forward presence goals. The Budget seeks to delay CVN-79, the second ship of the Ford class by one year. This delay will allow the Navy to begin procuring aircraft carriers on a five-year build cycle. Because aircraft carriers have a service life of fifty years, the total number of aircraft carriers will remain at 11 for most years through 2040. However, after 2040, this building rate will support a force structure of 10 aircraft carriers, which will still allow the Navy to meet wartime requirements and maintain a sustainable and independent forward presence.1 USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78, the first ship in the Ford class) is experiencing cost growth and schedule delays in the new Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS), the system used to launch aircraft, the new dual band radar and the advanced arresting gear. The Government Accountability Office has raised particular concerns about the aircraft launch system because some carrier-specific functionality testing will conclude shortly before shipyard delivery in 2013 leaving little time to resolve problems before it is installed on the ship. With an additional year, the Navy will have more time to work through these challenges before these technologies are installed on CVN-79.2,[/quote] [url=http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2010/assets/trs.pdf]Sources[/url][/quote]