[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/%C3%A9tats-unis-31/topic/f-35-news-195/?post=62136#post-62136]furywolf29[/url] a dit le 16/02/2011 Ã 21:55 :[/b] En effet : [quote]... The A-10C aircraft has suffered major modifications through the addition of targeting pods and data link-related infrastructure. The software and cockpit hardware is different from previous models as well. Despite in recent years the A-10 was threaten with full fleet withdrawal, A-10C can extend the service life of the [b]30-year-old aircraft [/b]well into the 21st centuryThe C-model upgrade program is valued at $300 million and is the result of excellent results harvested by A-10s during recent conflicts. The exact number of A-10Cs to be procured by the US Air Force has not been disclosed but it could be approximately 200 according to senior sources.[/quote][/quote]