[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/france-29/topic/les-aventures-du-rafale-%C3%A0-lexport-2011-1375/?post=60897#post-60897]tmor[/url] a dit le 19/01/2011 à 16:18 :[/b] D'après le journal Estadao, il y a encore un peu d'optimisme chez nous, n'en déplaise à nos média : morceaux choisis dans la traduction vers l'anglais : [quote]The Ministry of Defence of France hopes that the Brazilian government will set in "three or four months" the project FX-2 , the selection process for the purchase of 36 fighters for the Air Force (FAB). The deadline was confirmed by Minister Alain Juppe, who came to Brazil for the possession of Rousseff and, on occasion, received the news that the case would be reevaluated by the new government. That deadline was passed to the French by the Brazilian government, according to Juppe. [...] Sources from the industry heared by Estadao yesterday confirmed that the estimated time for a response is between three to four months.[/quote] En gros, lorsque Juppé était là-bas, on lui a dit "encore 3 ou 4 mois !", et le journal a entendu la même chose de la part de ses sources... http://www.estadao.com.br/estadaodehoje/20110119/not_imp668119,0.php[/quote]