[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/europe-14/topic/cesk-letectvo-a-protivzdusna-obrana-r%C3%A9publique-tch%C3%A8que-333/?post=45898#post-45898]pilou[/url] a dit le 14/01/2010 à 18:05 :[/b]

[url=http://www.airforcesmonthly.com/view_news.asp?ID=1402]C-295M Czechs in[/url]

[quote]The Air Component of the Czech Republic’s Joint Forces has received the first of four CASA C-295M tactical transporters.

January 11: The Letecká Složka Spole?ných Síly Armády ?eské Republiky (Air Component of the Czech Republic’s Joint Forces) received the first of four CASA C-295M tactical transport aircraft at Praha-Kbely air base.

The four aircraft were ordered in 2009 through a 3.5 billion crown contract and will all be delivered by the end of the year to 242 Transport & Special Squadron based at Praha-Kbely. They will replace five ageing Russian-built An-26 Curl aircraft acquired during the 1970s.[/quote][/quote]