[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/histoire-et-actualit%C3%A9s-45/topic/remplacement-des-ravitailleurs-us-152/?post=45470#post-45470]pilou[/url] a dit le 21/12/2009 à 23:05 :[/b] [url=http://www.airforcesmonthly.com/view_news.asp?ID=1306]KC-X: subsidies battle intensifies[/url] [quote]Boeing reacts to Congress push on subsidy battle for the USAF's new tankers. December 18: Boeing issued a statement following the release of a letter by 125 members of the US Congress urging the Obama administration to ensure European compliance with a World Trade Organisation ruling against “massive illegal subsidies provided to Airbus”, according to the company. Boeing says "We are encouraged to see such strong bipartisan congressional support for US action to end the illegal subsidies that European governments have for decades provided to Airbus at the expense of American industry and its workers. "Despite an imminent final WTO ruling on illegal subsidies, Airbus appears poised to extend and continue the practice of using illegal subsidies for its new aircraft, the A350. This new plane directly targets America's aerospace industry and the tens of thousands of workers who design and build aircraft in the United States. "As stated in the congressional letter to the president, our government policies should not reward foreign governments or companies that benefit from illegal subsidies. We look forward to working with Congress to ensure this matter of principle and of important policy is enforced." The letter to President Obama, dated December 16, was drafted by Congressmen Todd Tiahrt and Norm Dicks, both staunch Boeing supporters. Along with 123 of their colleagues, the two congressmen said that US policies should not reward foreign governments or companies that benefited from “illegal subsidies”. Tiahrt said “This is unacceptable. When the WTO confirms what we have known for years, Congress must swiftly respond to ensure companies entangled in illegal practices, such as Airbus, are not allowed to compete against American jobs." Dicks added “It is difficult to explain how the Pentagon can ignore the obvious implications for the tanker contract. We’ve got to have a level playing field." Northrop Grumman and EADS have yet to respond, but have still stated their intent not to tender for the 179-aircraft contract if no changes to the current Request for Proposal from the US Air Force are made.[/quote][/quote]