[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/%C3%A9tats-unis-31/topic/f-22-news-221/?post=45124#post-45124]ex-vixen[/url] a dit le 04/12/2009 à 23:51 :[/b] Oui, il me semble que le F-35 sera dès le départ équipé de L16, en plus de sa liaison MADL discrète. J'imagine qu'on choisira de n'utiliser la L16 que dans des conditions pas trop hostiles. Source AvWeek 11/12/2007 : [quote]The F-35 will be equipped with Link 16 in addition to MADL. There are, however, two limitations to that technology. Link 16 is not LPI: Briefings show the F-35 using it before ingress and after leaving hostile territory. The F-35's "first-day VLO" philosophy may allow for more use of Link 16 when it operates in non-VLO configurations later in the campaign, with external weapons. And Link 16 can't carry the kind of data the F-35 can gather.[/quote][/quote]