[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/portes-avions-39/topic/ford-class-nouveaux-g%C3%A9ants-des-mers-utopie-ou-r%C3%A9alit%C3%A9-556/?post=43139#post-43139]ogotaï[/url] a dit le 20/02/2009 à 18:54 :[/b] [url=http://www.corlobe.tk/article12786.html]Le système qui devait remplacer les catapultes des porte-avions est un échec[/url] ...et en version originale : [url=http://informationdissemination.blogspot.com/2009/02/and-now-for-really-bad-news.html]It is very easy for the new administration to not build a new class of super aircraft carriers[/url][quote]EMALS is a failure, and nobody is really sure what to do. Build another Nimitz? Redesign the Ford class for steam? Throw even more money at the problem and hope they can fix it?[/quote][/quote]