[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/histoire-et-actualit%C3%A9s-45/topic/1947-1989la-guerre-froide-722/?post=40261#post-40261]vigi[/url] a dit le 27/06/2008 à 22:20 :[/b] [quote="Clansman"] Les B-29 chargés de bombes atomiques pour faire pression sur Staline, vous-y croyez, vous ? :?[/quote] J'ais trouvé çà: [quote]1945-1950 · Defence of Europe: After the pact of Dunkirk '47 between F and GB enlargement. '48 Brussels pact (still directed against Germany). F, GB, Benelux. GB gave up its policy of bilateral treaties. [u]US was stationing (like foreseen in the Spaatz-Tedder agreement of 46) B-29 bombers in GB[/u]. The Berlin Blocus led to the transformation of the Brussels pact into the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO), signed in '49. [...] 1945-1952 GB Defence: Only semi-independence can be achieved. Access to nuclear secret is blocked by US (Mac Mahon law). [u]B-29 (can carry A-bomb) are stationed on GB ground, RAF airfields can be used by US for Berlin Air Lift[/u]. [/quote] [url=http://www.stoessel.ch/hei/hpi/Great_Britain_World_1895_1999.htm]rivière du savoir[/url] A-priori, c'était pas du flan aux cerises cette histoire de bombe nucléaire pendant le blocus de Berlin... :o Un petit complement dans la langue de ce bon Henry VIII [url=http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/agency/sac.htm]le S.A.C.[/url] [url=http://www.nukestrat.com/dk/alert.htm]Opération Chrome Dome[/url]... ils métrisaient bien le sens des surnoms à l'époque... :?[/quote]