[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/europe-14/topic/luftwaffe-allemagne-184/?post=40071#post-40071]rafighter[/url] a dit le 14/06/2008 à 11:51 :[/b]

[quote]Germany to order a total of 180 Eurofighter Typhoons

Yesterday during an event celebrating the phasing-out of the F-4 F Phantom and the Eurofighter’s new role in Jagdgeschwader 74 German Air Force Three-Star-General Arne Kreuzinger-Janik has declared that “The Eurofighter is combat ready at Neuburg”. The Commander of the German Air Force Command also responded to media questions at concerning Tranche 3. He confirmed the German Air Force would need the ordered total of 180 Eurofighter Typhoon, this number being confirmed time and time again by the German Parliament. With Eurofighter Typhoon now in full service, the German Air Force can meet international obligations towards NATO and the European Union. In 1990’s the Germans wanted to withdraw from the Eurofighter project but the could not leave for legal reasons.


Ils sont bien renseignés ces indiens...[/quote]