[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/%C3%A9tats-unis-31/topic/f-22-f-35-fa-18er%C3%A9elles-valeurs-des-joujoux-du-pentagone-467/?post=38530#post-38530]pilou[/url] a dit le 23/08/2007 à 04:20 :[/b] [url]http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/aircraft/f-18g.htm[/url] [quote]The EA-18 is based on the two-seat F/A-18F with the Block 2 avionics upgrades, including active-array radar and advanced rear crew station, already under development for the Super Hornet. Production cost on a unit flyaway basis will be 15-18% more than a basic F/A-18F in then-year dollars. An EA-18 will cost $7-9 million more, based on the nominal Super Hornet unit price of $50 million by the end of the current multi-year procurement contract. Concurrent production of EA-18s and E/Fs would further reduce the Super Hornet's price. The company estimated that, if 12 EA-18s are built each year alongside 48 E/Fs, the cost of each E/F would be reduced by up to $3 million. The US Navy would see operating and support savings, with the EA-18 expected to cost $7,400/h to operate, compared with over S17,000/h for the EA-6B.[/quote][/quote]