[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/questions-g%C3%A9n%C3%A9rales-et-techniques-41/topic/jet-ou-g-n%C3%A9gatif-201/?post=38273#post-38273]tmor[/url] a dit le 12/08/2007 à 19:28 :[/b] [quote]Je connais bien le Libelle pour l'avoir mis en oeuvre sur nos avions, étant tenu par un accord de confidentialité avec la firme Autoflug je ne donnerai pas de détails sur les essais effectués sur avions et en centri, mais je peux dire que si le concept est révolutionnaire sa mise en oeuvre est d'une lourdeur qui va je pense le cantonner à être un formidable sujet- d'études.[/quote] Apparemment, elle serait en service au moins en Allemagne... [quote]German Air Force introduces LIBELLE as standard equipment for EUROFIGHTER Laage Air Base, [b]January 31, 2005[/b] On January 31st, the German Air Force introduced LIBELLE G-Multiplus® for its operational EUROFIGHTER pilots of Jagdgeschwader 73 "Steinhoff" at Laage Air Base. This concludes the operational verification phase on GAF MiG-29 and F-4F exactly three years after the first LIBELLE flight on MiG-29. The EUROFIGHTER version of LIBELLE G-Multiplus® was especially developed under contract by the German "Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung" (Federal Office of Defense Technology and Procurement) to provide an optimum in G-Protection and High-Altitude Protection to the pilots without the use of Positive Pressure Breathing at G (PBG) or any pneumatic bladders. The German EUROFIGHTER is the first fourth generation aircraft to incorporate the innovative LIBELLE Pilot Flight Ensemble. The LIBELLE system's principle enables the pilot to make full use of his physical and mental abilities and to maintain unrestricted situational awareness even during extreme flight manoeuvres. LIBELLE's primary protection properties as well as optimized comfort and reduced heat stress provide a solid base for an effective and successful mission accomplishment.[/quote] :wink:[/quote]