[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/%C3%A9tats-unis-31/topic/croyez-vous-au-programme-jsf-144/?post=37703#post-37703]ex-pit[/url] a dit le 02/05/2007 à 22:53 :[/b] On appelle ca avoir du plomb dans l'aile... [i]Navy argues [b]against[/b] Marine variant of JSF[/i] * Offer poorer capability and sustainability at a higher price than the carrier-optimized F-35C. The Marines say the STOVL aircraft outperforms the C model in all kinds of missions except carrier-based ones. * Reduce flexibility in carrier-deck operations. Marines: That won’t be known until flight tests begin. * Carry only 70 percent as much fuel as the F-35C. Marines: That advantage will be reduced by the F-35C’s heavier weight, by the -B’s ability to fly from forward bases, and by the fact that the STOVL version doesn’t need to carry backup fuel in case it can’t trap aboard a carrier. * Not carry a 2,000-pound bomb in its internal bomb bay. Marines: The F-35B can carry one externally, and weapon is needed for only 15 percent of missions anyway. * Lack an internally carried, stand-off weapon that can hit enemy radar. Marines: That could be remedied with the under-development Small Diameter Bomb. * Lack an internally carried, stand-off weapon that can hit enemy ships. Marines: It carriers the Joint Stand-Off Weapon externally. [url=http://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/2007/04/defense_stovl_jsf_070430m/]Source[/url][/quote]