[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/%C3%A9tats-unis-31/topic/f-35-news-195/?post=37107#post-37107]d9pouces[/url] a dit le 21/03/2010 à 17:18 :[/b] http://www.navytimes.com/news/2010/03/navy_hornet_jsf_032110w/ [quote]“I think the Navy needs to walk away from the F-35C based on affordability concerns and continue with the Super Hornet,” said one congressional aide who spoke on condition of anonymity because the matter is still being intensely debated on Capitol Hill. [/quote] Pas grand-chose de plus, à part qu'apparemment un nouveau membre du Congrès voudrait flinguer la version embarquée F-35C (dont le prix serait déjà passé à 135M$)...[/quote]