[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/histoire-et-actualit%C3%A9s-45/topic/conflit-en-irak-et-en-syrie-169/?post=37037#post-37037]golgot1[/url] a dit le 22/11/2009 à 09:38 :[/b] un truc pas piqué des hannetons: [url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/defence/6625415/Iraq-report-Secret-papers-reveal-blunders-and-concealment.html]rapports sur l'enquête Chilquot: commission d'enquête britannique sur l'engagement britannique en Irak sous Blair[/url] [quote]...Operations were so under-resourced that some troops went into action with only five bullets each. Others had to deploy to war on civilian airlines, taking their equipment as hand luggage. Some troops had weapons confiscated by airport security...Commanders reported that the Army’s main radio system “tended to drop out at around noon each day because of the heat”. One described the supply chain as “absolutely appalling”, saying: "I know for a fact that there was one container full of skis in the desert"... [/quote] C'est fou quand même les carences que peuvent rencontrées les armées dites "modernes". C'est qui à la logistique, Mister Bean ?! 8)[/quote]