[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/%C3%A9tats-unis-31/topic/c-17-globemaster-iii-fiche-technique-2318/?post=36936#post-36936]ex-rogcas[/url] a dit le 16/04/2007 à 22:24 :[/b]

Du nouveau :

[quote]UK - The Ministry of Defence is facing a new procurement crisis as it tries to boost the strength of its heavy transport aircraft, the Times reports.

As fears grow that the delivery schedule for Airbus’s rival transport aircraft will slip further, The Times has learnt that the MoD is planning to buy three Boeing C17 Globemaster IIIs for about $660 million (£337 million). But its plans are threatened by the potential closure of the C17 production line in the United States.[/quote]
Source : http://www.timesonline.co.uk

[quote="Tuckson"]Pardon ?! Y a pas une erreur d'unité ?[/quote]
Apparemment non, c'est le site de Boeing qui le dit, ça fait partie de ses records... n'oublies pas qu'il descend d'un projet d'avion de transport STOL.
[quote]During flight-testing at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., C-17s set 33 world records – more than any other airlifter in history – including payload to altitude, time-to-climb, and short-takeoff-and-landing marks in which the C-17 took off in less than 1,400 feet, carried a payload of 44,000 pounds to altitude, and landed in less than 1,400 feet.[/quote]
C'est bien ça...  8)[/quote]