[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/h%C3%A9licopt%C3%A8res-50/topic/bellboeing-v22-osprey-consorts-256/?post=31948#post-31948]nico2[/url] a dit le 01/02/2006 à 14:15 :[/b]

Oui mais c'est intéressant car ça donne des infos sur les problèmes rencontrés  :shock:  :o :!: [img]http://yelims2.free.fr/Forum/Forum18.gif[/img]

UP :D Petite info ;) ============> (j'espère que vous maîtrisez l'anglais :oops:  :oops:  :oops: Bon je suis confiant étant donné les forumeurs)

Israel considers V-22 acquisition -

By Alon Ben-David JDW Correspondent
Tel Aviv

The Israel Air Force (IAF) is seriously considering procurement of
Bell/ Boeing V-22 Osprey multimission tiltrotor aircraft, defence
sources have told JDW.

The IAF is preparing to issue a request for information in the coming
months and is sending its Chief of Air Directorate for Helicopters,
Brigadier General 'Tamir', to fly the aircraft in the US.

Offering a range greater than 1,000 km and a speed of 275 kt - much
faster than most helicopters - the V-22 is being considered by the IAF
for special forces missions as well as search and rescue. "It could
provide new dimensions to IAF capabilities, especially now that Israel
is facing a distant developing threat from Iran," an industry source 
JDW. "With the V-22's air-to-air refuelling capability, the range could
even be further extended, providing the IAF with new deterrent

However, its unit cost, estimated at USD70 million, might impede such
a procurement. "The Osprey is indeed an expensive platform, but it could
relieve the IAF from the need to upgrade all of its Hercules and Sea
Stallion fleet and [allow it to] decommission some of them," said the
industry source.

Jane's Defense Section