[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/europe-de-lest-et-pacte-de-varsovie-32/topic/le-su-27-237/?post=3172#post-3172]ex-pit[/url] a dit le 06/05/2009 à 21:37 :[/b]

[url=http://www.prideaircraft.com/news.htm]Certains rêvent de Ferrari, d'autres de SU-27...[/url]

"5 May 2009: During the past few months, Pride Aircraft has been keeping a big secret! But the time has come to share our secret with the world.
We're pleased to announce the arrival of the first pair of privately-owned Sukhoi SU-27 Flankers in the USA. Needless to say, these aircraft are worlds apart from most jet warbirds -- in size, performance, technological sophistication, and "wow-factor."
Pride Aircraft was picked to import, modify, assemble and certify these aircraft for their new owners.
The photos below show the arrival of both aircraft. These Flankers will soon be airworthy, and we will bring you some pictures and videos of this when it happens."[/quote]