[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/%C3%A9tats-unis-31/topic/f-22-news-221/?post=2978#post-2978]tmor[/url] a dit le 15/10/2005 à 18:14 :[/b] On nous a caché des choses gravissimes sur le Raptor : [quote]About the newest information I think for the empty weight of F/A-22 today.......... http://helium.spk.usace.army.mil/ebs/So ... _2/am2.pdf Page 9: Pavement Design: The Contractor is responsible to provide pavement design for the project area in accordance with Hill Air Force Base Facilities Design Standards and Geotechnical Support for Design report (see Attachment13). The heaviest airframe in the facility will be an F/A-22 and they will be moved to different locations within the new ABDR. The empty weight of the airframe is 43,200lbs. All aircraft brought into the new facility will be empty weighted (i.e., no engines). [/quote] [b][u]43,200lbs ça donne environ 19,6t !!! A VIDE !!!![/u][/b] [quote]I'm not very sure, but the information below may be helpful: POGO declared that the fuel fraction of F/A-22 today is around 29%; and since the internal fuel of F/A-22 now is around 8,000~8,100 kg, its estimated empty weight should be: 8,000~8,100 kg / 0.29 * 0.71 = 19,586~19,831 kg[/quote] C'est sur un forum anglais que j'ai vu ça. J'avais déjà vu qu'un détracteur du F22 au congré avait rapporté un poids à vide de 18t, mais là , c'est 19,6t !!!! 5t de trop !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote]