[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/%C3%A9tats-unis-31/topic/f-22-news-221/?post=26509#post-26509]vigi[/url] a dit le 15/09/2009 à 08:34 :[/b] Bien que je vienne de le poster sur un autre topic, je pense que l'info est suffisament interressante pour avoir également sa place ici: [quote]il faudra peut-etre s'attendre à voir le F-22 devenir un FB-22, je cite: [i]Such difficulties have arisen in the ongoing integration of the SDB onto the F-22. Air Force testers have executed the first guided SDB flight from an F-22 after working out some challenges. “We had a fairly well-known bay, a well-known environment,” Simpson says. “Then you add the weapon to it, and the employment of the weapon at high speeds became another issue altogether. You find you have to eject the weapon harder and faster to get it through the airstream at supersonic speeds.” [/i] [/quote] [url=http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_channel.jsp?channel=defense&id=news/SDBII-091409.xml&headline=SDB%20II%20Fixed-Price%20Development%20Contract]Sources[/url][/quote]