[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/am%C3%A9rique-15/topic/fuerza-a%C3%A9rea-de-chile-chili-39/?post=25898#post-25898]pilou[/url] a dit le 19/10/2008 à 08:42 :[/b]

Toujours par rapport aux Viper :
[url=http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2008/10/17/317561/chile-in-talks-with-dutch-on-f-16ambm-purchase.html]Chile in talks with Dutch on F-16AM/BM purchase[/url]

[quote][...]Budgeted at $170 million, the deal covers the purchase of 14 F-16AM fighters and a pair of two-seat F-16BMs, along with a large spares and tools package.

Chile hopes to receive the 16 F-16AM/BMs from the third quarter of 2009, allowing the air force to retire its entire inventory of Northrop F-5E/F Tiger IIIs, which are in service with the Antofagasta-based Grupo de Aviación VII.

Acquiring 10 F-16C/D Block 50s in 2002 and 18 ex-Dutch air force F-16AM/BMs in 2005 - which replaced Dassault Mirage 50CN/DC Panteras and Mirage 5BA/BD Elkans - the purchase of a second batch of F-16AM/BMs fulfils a Chilean air force plan to standardise its air defence/strike assets with a single aircraft type. 

Local sources have indicated that the Chilean air force is examining a follow-on order for another 10 F-16C/D Block 50 fighters between 2010 and 2012.[/quote][/quote]