[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/aviation-civile-17/topic/le-superjet-100-co%C3%BBtera-25-m-usd-lunit%C3%A9-569/?post=23576#post-23576]ex-pit[/url] a dit le 19/05/2008 à 22:04 :[/b] [i]"The first Sukhoi Superjet 100 medium-haul passenger airliner made test runs on a runway in Russia's Far East as part of final preparations for its maiden flight, the manufacturer said Wednesday."[/i] Source : http://en.rian.ru/russia/20080514/107345738.html [quote="Rafighter"]Le nouvel avion régional russe de nouvelle génération SuperJet-100 se vendra à près de 25 millions de dollars l'unité, a déclaré vendredi le ministre russe des Transports, Igor Levitine.[/quote] [i]The list price of a 95-seat base model is $28 million, but the company is currently working on both smaller and larger capacity modifications.[/i] Tout augmente... on se rapproche peu a peu des 30... Source : http://en.rian.ru/russia/20080514/107345738.html [url=http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x249/lancero444/maio/nm5.jpg]Sinon, sur cette vue, on a l'impression d'une perche a l'avant du dit appareil, non ?![/url][/quote]