[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/questions-g%C3%A9n%C3%A9rales-et-techniques-41/topic/furtivit%C3%A9-260/?post=2338#post-2338]ex-foxbat[/url] a dit le 09/09/2005 à 20:04 :[/b]

voilà quelques info sur le smt:



"For reasons of cost it never came to an introduction of the MiG-29 M / MiG-33 and the development of the MiG-35 also doesn't seem to be continued. The Russian forces had committed themselfs to new versions of the Su 27 (Su 30/32/34/35) which finally were produced or at least should be produced in low numbers in form of the Su 27 PU (Su 30) and Su 27 IB (Su 34/32 FN). An introduction of the Su 27M (Su 35/37) was planned for 2003 or 2004. In 1998 one decided in favor of an economical improvement in the air forces in form of the MiG 29's SMT. This is a retrofitting of existing MiG 29 with considerable improvements. It changes the fighter plane into a real multi role fighter plane. It would primarily improve the air-to-ground ability of the forces and replace the aging MiG 27 and Su 17/20/22. Instead of the introduction of Su 35/37, perhaps the Su 27 will also be modified like the MiG 29 SMT.

The most visible feature of the SMT is the great back bulge which is substantially bigger than on the present "fatbacks". By this back bulge the internal fuel stock can be increased by 40% to 4775 kg. The upper air intake system remains, however, unchanged so that the additional 1500 kg which were won by the cessation of the upper air intakes on the MiG 29 K and M aren't used. According to MiG-MAPO there is, however, also this possibility, with larger reorganizations of course. An external retractable air refuelling probe, as already installed on the Malayan MiG 29 N, is attached besides the cockpit. It was fitted with a modern Mil-Std 1553 B data bus, as well as an Intel 486 DX-33 processor. A new navigation system integrates a laser INS with a satellite navigation system. The cockpit receives for the first time two multi function color displays and a improved "Head-up display". The workload for the pilot shall be decreased by the "HOTAS" principle.

Initially an improved N-019M "Topaz" radar the N-019MP with improved ground mapping has been planned . It is suspected that either the development of the "Zhuk" isn't finished yet or the expected performances wasn´t reached. As armament the R 27ER (Alamo C) and ET (Alamo D) as well as the R 77 and R 73 for air targets and steered and unguided weapons planned inclusing some new developments for ground targets. The MiG 29 SMT 2 was the name for a version with "Zhuk" radar and back bulge changed aerodynamically in summer 2000. The much stronger RD 133 could compensate for the higher weight with vector control later. Unlike Suchoi Mikoyan, however, doesn't favor the thrust vector control which offers advantages according to MiG only in a little area of the flight regime. The improved RD 43 later with 98.1 KN would be available (the new development RD 333 with 98 KN planned in between wasn't financed). MiG seems to prefer a higher thrust-to-weight relation for a thrust vector control. In general the MiG 29 SMT must have lost some maneuvering capability due to the reorganizations over the original versions. Overhaul material absorbing radar will be used to reduce the radar cross section. To reduce the overhaul effort an "on-condition" overhaul method (only if necessary) will be introduced. The Russian air forces intend to convert 150 of its MiG 29 to the standart of SMT and gives this program a high priority. These jets then shall remain in service until the year 2020."[/quote]