[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/am%C3%A9rique-15/topic/for%C3%A7a-a%C3%A9rea-brasileira-br%C3%A9sil-843/?post=21690#post-21690]rafighter[/url] a dit le 14/03/2008 Ã 10:48 :[/b] [quote]Boeing Co. is looking into bidding on an estimated $2.2 billion contract to provide military planes to Brazil's air force, the company said Thursday. Boeing's Integrated Defense Systems executive Joseph T. McAndrew spent three days in Brazil this week meeting with military officials and business and industrial leaders to "get a better understanding of how Boeing can satisfy some of the future defense requirements of Brazil," company spokesman Damien Hills said. McAndrew, who left Brazil on Wednesday, discussed Boeing's F/A-18 Hornet - a twin-engine, multi-mission tactical aircraft - as a potential candidate for the air force's plans to purchase 24 to 36 aircraft, Mills said. Companies such as Russia's Sukhoi, Sweden's Saab and France's Dassault Aviation are also interested in bidding for the contract. Brazil has conditioned the contract to the sharing of the technology behind whatever aircraft it buys, and so far the only country that has said it would allow such a transfer has been France, which is interested in selling Dassault's Rafale fighter plane. Boeing's Mills said he preferred to not discuss technology transfer issues because they are a "government-to-government matter." The U.S. Embassy in Brasilia also declined to comment on the matter. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/6420ap_brazil_boeing.html[/quote][/quote]