[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/%C3%A9tats-unis-31/topic/f-22-news-221/?post=20423#post-20423]ex-rogcas[/url] a dit le 13/02/2008 à 07:24 :[/b] [size=150][b]Fate of F-22, C-17 Lines Uncertain in Fiscal 2009[/b][/size] http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story.jsp?id=news/aw021108p2.xml&headline=Fate%20of%20F-22,%20C-17%20Lines%20Uncertain%20in%20Fiscal%202009&channel=awst On y apprend des choses intéressantes, comme : [quote]The Pentagon is deferring decisions on two major U.S. production lines: the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor stealth fighter and the Boeing C-17 transport. [u]Both are set to begin or continue closure in Fiscal ’09 unless Congress intervenes[/u]... Yet, the Fiscal ’09 request lacks funding to shut down the Lockheed Martin F-22 line as well as any seed money for future purchases. Adm. Steve Stanley, director of force structure, resources and assessment for the Joint Staff, says that [u]an order for more F-22s will likely be included in the Fiscal ’09 supplemental spending bill for operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. The F-22s would replace combat losses of Air Force legacy aircraft.[/u] Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England has proposed including money for four F-22s in the supplemental request that “would not require shutdown costs in FY ’09, so they are not there,” says Stanley. “It also has the advantage of leaving a decision about F-22 to the next administration, which will have to execute the program.”... Several aerospace officials from outside Boeing and Lockheed Martin predict USAF will buy a few more F-22s, [u]enough so the total will be more than 200[/u], but state that 381 is not likely. They say the temptation will be great for the Navy to buy Block III Super Hornets and for USAF to procure more F-15Es.[/quote] Quand on vous dit que politique et production sont intimement liées...[/quote]