[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/%C3%A9tats-unis-31/topic/northrop-grumann-b-21-raider-lrs-b-695/?post=19897#post-19897]ex-rogcas[/url] a dit le 01/02/2008 à 11:25 :[/b]

Tu pointe là une excellente remarque. Il se trouve que dans certains projets, il est même éventuellement envisagé de réaliser deux versions du futur bombardier (pas celui de 2018, celui de 2035 d'après mes souvenirs) : l'une pilotée, l'autre sans pilote.

Une source : http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_generic.jsp?channel=awst&id=news/aw050707p2.xml

Extraits :
[quote][i]The decision to keep a pilot in the bomber's cockpit has generated discussions centering on why the Air Force's options for a future bomber became as limited as they are and how to proceed with technology efforts in this mission area.[/i][/quote]
[quote][i]The Air Force had earlier discussed the potential to incorporate more exotic capabilities, including unmanned operation and supersonic speeds, into a bomber concept that would have been fielded no earlier than 2025. Frank Cappuccio, vice president at Lockheed Martin Skunk Works, known for its remarkably fast developments of U-2 and SR-71, said last year he was focused on an unmanned, supersonic platform while his competitors at Boeing and Northrop Grumman kept the door open for a lower-price subsonic aircraft.[/i][/quote][/quote]