[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/histoire-et-actualit%C3%A9s-45/topic/remplacement-des-ravitailleurs-us-152/?post=19442#post-19442]ex-rogcas[/url] a dit le 17/01/2008 à 16:24 :[/b]

[url=http://www.boeing.com/news/releases/2008/q1/080114a_nr.html]Boeing 767 More Fuel Efficient than Airbus 330, Analysis Finds[/url]

[quote]The study conducted by the independent aviation research company, and funded by Boeing, used published data to calculate the fuel consumption of flying a fleet of 179 767-200ER and Airbus 330-200 airplanes over a 40-year service life. The purpose of the analysis was to provide a clear comparison between the KC-767 Advanced Tanker (AT), based on the 767, and its major competitor in the U.S. Air Force's KC-135 Tanker Replacement Program. The winner of the KC-X competition will begin recapitalizing the service's aging refueling inventory by building 179 next-generation tankers.

The study showed that the 767 fleet burned 24 percent less fuel than the A-330s and would save approximately $14.6 billion in fuel costs. That number is significant since the Air Force spent approximately $6.6 billion on aviation fuel costs in 2006. [/quote]
La guerre a commencé... :?

Bon, un peu normal qu'un avion qui pèse 50 tonnes de plus au décollage consomme plus non ? D'autant qu'il emporte bien plus de kérosène et de fret...[/quote]