[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/%C3%A9tats-unis-31/topic/croyez-vous-au-programme-jsf-144/?post=17498#post-17498]pilou[/url] a dit le 25/09/2007 à 20:38 :[/b] [url=http://www.janes.com/news/defence/air/jdw/jdw070924_1_n.shtml]USAF secretary warns that JSF cuts could imperil national security[/url] [quote]US Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne warned against cutting back production of the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) in a speech on 19 September, saying that any reductions in the stealthy fighter force could embolden potential adversaries and damage coalition ties. [u]Wynne said that the US can ensure it maintains air dominance by sticking with a nearly USD300 billion plan to buy more than 2,400 F-35 fighters. [/u] "I need the JSF to come along," said Wynne during at a 19 September briefing sponsored by the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA), a Washington-based think tank. Wynne directly linked the need for the F-35 to the potential threat posed by China. He rejected a new CSBA study that suggests cutting back the JSF order and investing in a long-range bomber to penetrate deep into enemy airspace. "The last time I [traded stealth fighters for a long-range bomber], I bought 21 B-2s," said Wynne, referring to the small US force of B-2 Spirit stealth bombers. "How big do you think China is? Think about that." 179 of 484 words © 2007 Jane's Information Group[/quote] Je vous parie 10 contre 1 qu'il a des actions chez Lockheed Martin. :lol:[/quote]