[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/%C3%A9tats-unis-31/topic/xp-79-flying-ram-538/?post=159883#post-159883]jericho[/url] a dit le 20/08/2024 à 16:20 :[/b]

[quote]Bref, ne serait-ce pas une légende urbaine ?[/quote]
Je viens juste de chercher sur un moteur de recherche et je tombe sur cet article :
[url=https://www.kaiserslauternamerican.com/aircraft-awful-and-awesome-xp-79-flying-ram/]"But legend is not the proper term – “myth” is. In fact, the XP-79 was armed from the beginning with four 50-caliber machine guns and was never intended to ram enemy aircraft. The “Flying Ram” idea apparently came from comments made by Army Air Force engineers, probably in jest, after they heard about the armed leading edges of the aircraft long after its design was complete."[/url]

[url=https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/northrop-xp-79.7968/]Ici, c'est pareil, un des forumeur n'a visiblement rien trouvé allant dans ce sens dans le document "Clipped Wings - The History of Aborted Aircraft Projects"...[/url][/quote]