[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/afrique-21/topic/arm%C3%A9e-de-lair-du-s%C3%A9n%C3%A9gal-109/?post=145560#post-145560]lynx122[/url] a dit le 12/07/2021 à 00:34 :[/b] [quote][b][url=/v3/forum/afrique-21/topic/arm%C3%A9e-de-lair-du-s%C3%A9n%C3%A9gal-109/?post=145559#post-145559]dakia[/url] a dit le 11/07/2021 à 23:15 :[/b] Bon les gars et si on changeait de sujet !! [smiley="bieres.gif"]* Et ces L-39NG, ca traine dans la livraison esperons que le prochain 04 avril 2022, on aura de beaux looping au dessus de dakar [smiley="attention.gif"] "[color=#5e5e5e][size=2][font=Droid Sans]According to the Czech Republic's MoD, the negotiations are delayed due to the deterioration of the security situation in West Africa. The Malian jihadist group Katiba Macina has begun to settle west of Mali, also putting the security of neighboring countries at risk, in particular Senegal, which has so far been safe from attacks by jihadist brigades. The armed forces of the Czech Republic and Senegal have long been working together to ensure security in Mali through the MINUSMA and EUTM missions."[/font][/size][/color] [color=#5e5e5e][size=2][font=Droid Sans]source: https://www.blogbeforeflight.net/2021/04/l39ng-agreement-senegal-pending.html[/font][/size][/color] j'ai lu ça mais je ne vois aucun lien entre la situation au mali et le retard du deal...[/quote] Et ne comptez pas sur le covid-19 qui deviendra covid-22 peut etre quand ces politiciens le veulent.[/quote]