[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/h%C3%A9licopt%C3%A8res-50/topic/bellboeing-v22-osprey-consorts-256/?post=138594#post-138594]nico2[/url] a dit le 02/01/2020 à 22:19 :[/b]

[quote="Jericho"][url=http://psk.blog.24heures.ch/archive/2019/10/10/la-famille-v-22-a-atteint-les-500-000-heures-de-vol-868084.html]Un total de 500'000 h de vol en spéciale dédicace à Nico2.[/url]   ;)[/quote]

Ça fait plaisir de lire cela :)

Les concepteurs et financeurs ont vraiment eu raison de persévérer dans ce concept audacieux (et certes très couteux).

Un autre article, de mars 2019 pour célébrer les 30 ans (purée...) de l'appareil.

[url=https://abc7amarillo.com/news/local/bells-v-22-osprey-celebrates-30th-anniversary]Bell's V-22 Osprey celebrates 30th Anniversary[/url] (Abc News)

[quote]During the 30 years since the V-22 Osprey first flew, the tiltrotor aircraft, built by Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. company, and Boeing, has fundamentally changed how the U.S. Marine Corps and Air Force operate in combat and support humanitarian operations. The V-22 has become one of the most in-demand and reliable aircraft in military service with its unique vertical maneuverability combined with the speed, range and fuel efficiency of a fixed-wing airplane.[/quote]

C'est tout de même plaisant de lire cela, après tous les déboires ayant affecté cet appareil à ses débuts.


La flotte est partie pour être mise à jour et standardisée davantage par la même occasion.

Ou comment passer de 77 (!) versions différentes à moins de 17 (cela reste pas mal...).

[url=https://www.verticalmag.com/news/u-s-marines-receive-first-overhauled-standardized-mv-22-from-bell-boeing-shop/]U.S. Marines receive first overhauled, standardized MV-22 from Bell-Boeing shop[/url] (Vertical Mag)

[quote]The U.S. Marines Corps has gotten its first battle worn MV-22 Osprey out of the Boeing-run shop that is overhauling, upgrading and standardizing the tiltrotors.

During the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Osprey was in high demand and came rolling off the Bell-Boeing production lines in dozens of configurations, leading to difficulties maintaining the disparate versions of the same aircraft.

Enter the Common Configuration-Readiness and Modernization (CC-RAM) program, designed to consolidate the fleet from more than 77 configurations into fewer than 17 variants. (...)[/quote][/quote]