[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/questions-g%C3%A9n%C3%A9rales-et-techniques-41/topic/jet-ou-g-n%C3%A9gatif-201/?post=13641#post-13641]ex-pit[/url] a dit le 18/05/2007 à 21:09 :[/b] Bon, je met ca là... Si quelqu'un me propose un topic plus approprié, je ne serais pas contre... [i]The pilot noted that he recently pulled [b]10.2 Gs in the F-22[/b], performing a pullout from a hard turn. The F-22’s specifications say only that the aircraft can pull 9.5 Gs, but can take more, depending on “the ability of the pilot” ...[/i] Plus de 10G les gars, plus de 10G... [size=75]On a interet a etre plutot format haricot vert au depart[/size] [url=http://dailyreport.afa.org/AFA/Features/newtech/box051807demo.htm]Fontaine[/url][/quote]