[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/%C3%A9tats-unis-31/topic/boeing-kc-46a-1723/?post=122527#post-122527]WNBYWO7sIFVgwcg5XJ[/url] a dit le 22/07/2016 à 13:36 :[/b] Et ça continue...[url=http://boeing.mediaroom.com/2016-07-21-Boeing-to-Recognize-Cost-Reclassification-and-Charges-to-Second-Quarter-Earnings]Boeing provisionne 393 millions de dollars pour régler un problème sur les nacelles de ravitaillement.[/url] [quote]The company will also recognize a $393 million after-tax charge ($0.62 per share) on the KC-46 Tanker program. This charge reflects higher costs associated with previously announced program schedule and technical challenges, including implementation of the hardware solution to resolve the refueling boom axial load issue identified during flight testing, delays in the certification process and concurrency between late-stage development testing and initial production.[/quote][/quote]