[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/europe-de-lest-et-pacte-de-varsovie-32/topic/su-34-fullback-518/?post=10682#post-10682]ex-mox[/url] a dit le 26/12/2006 Ã 19:41 :[/b] [quote="Tuckson"] " The aircraft has a distinctive large "sting" in the rear which contains the NO-14 radiolocation system, a radioelectronic countermeasures system, and a fuel tank. The NIIP NO-12 rearward radar that monitors enemy fighter activity behind the aircraft, and as needed, direct R-73 short-range and R-77 medium-range AAMs at the targets." :?[/quote] Je vois pas pourquoi ca te fais pas sourire, tant que c'est pas nos pilotes qui se bouffent le missile dans les dents :lol: .[/quote]