[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/histoire-et-actualit%C3%A9s-45/topic/conflit-en-irak-et-en-syrie-169/?post=103397#post-103397]nico2[/url] a dit le 12/08/2014 à 20:45 :[/b] [quote="d9pouces"]À mes yeux, pour que ça soit efficace, il faut qu'il coûte moins cher de détruire que de construire ; sinon le premier à être épuisé sera l'attaquant comme en Afgha. On peut compter environ 200 000$ d'appareils (sans compter de possibles AWACS, ravitailleurs, etc.) et 160 000$ de bombes. Je ne sais pas ce qu'il y avait dans le convoi, mais j'espère que la mission était rentable :S[/quote] Faute de source, je ne pourrais te répondre précisément. Toutefois, l'objectif affiché du gouvernement US est à la fois de protéger coûte que coûte Erbil, ville qui abrite un consulat et des diplomates US, et de freiner l'avancée de l'EI, pour permettre aux Kurdes de souffler avant de recevoir du matériel pour les aider à reprendre l'avantage. [url=http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-08-11/u-s-said-to-send-100-air-missions-daily-over-iraq.html]U.S. Sending 100 Air Missions Daily Over Iraq[/url] [quote]The U.S. Navy and Air Force are scheduling as many as 100 attack, reconnaissance and support missions daily over Iraq, according to a U.S. military official. The U.S. has conducted 15 targeted airstrikes since Aug. 8, using a combination of Air Force Predator drones, F-16 and F-15E fighters and Navy F/A-18s (...) Among the U.S. aircraft in the region are F/A-18s from Carrier Air Wing 8 on the USS George H.W. Bush in the Persian Gulf. There are about 65 strike and support aircraft on the carrier. The Air Force has about 90 aircraft in the region capable of supporting air strikes, including F-15E fighter-bombers made by Boeing Co., F-22 and F-16 fighters from Lockheed Martin Corp. based in Bethesda, Maryland, armed drones from San Diego-based General Atomics and B-1B bombers. The Air Force has aircraft stationed at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar and Ali Al Salem in Kuwait, as well as aerial tankers at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey, a NATO ally. [/quote] Petit résumé en chiffre des forces aériennes US offensives mobilisées. [quote]Army Lieutenant General William Mayville, director of operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, cautioned today that airpower alone has its limits. “We’ve had a very temporary effect, and we may have blunted some tactical decisions” by Islamic State militants to move farther east toward Erbil, Mayville told reporters at a Pentagon briefing. The strikes haven’t been extensive enough to contain the militants or reduce their capabilities, he said. [/quote] Il ne faut donc pas espérer de miracles (mais ce n'est pas mon cas). [quote]Kurdish military forces, known as peshmerga, have begun receiving small-arms ammunition [b]directly from the U.S.[/b], instead of through the Iraqi government in Baghdad, because their needs have become “pretty substantial,” he said. “We want to help them with that effort,” he said of the Kurds. [/quote] On sent tout de même une certaine accélération du mouvement américain. [quote]The U.S. also has provided food and water to civilians trapped on a mountain near the town of Sinjar who’ve been threatened with slaughter if they return to their homes. The Defense Department has flown 14 successful missions over four nights, providing 16,000 gallons of water and 75,000 meals, Mayville said. Estimates of the number of civilians stranded on the mountain have ranged from thousands to tens of thousands, he said. [/quote] C'est fort bien, par contre j'avais lu ailleurs qu'un certain nombre de colis s'étaient crashés, et étaient ensuite inutilisables... :S [url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iraq/11024037/Iraq-crisis-It-is-death-valley.-Up-to-70-per-cent-of-them-are-dead.html]C'était ici[/url] [quote="Paxwax"]Des Tornados anglais vont etre deployes en Irak. Uniquement dans un role de reconnaissance, du moins pour le moment. Source: [url=http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/uk-to-deploy-tornados-in-support-of-iraq-operations-402592/]Flightglobal[/url][/quote] Et des CH-47 Chinook devraient suivre : [url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iraq/11028909/RAF-Chinooks-now-considered-for-Iraq-crisis.html]RAF Chinooks now considered for Iraq aid crisis[/url] Dernière brève du jour, histoire de finir sur une note sombre pour changer ( :mrgreen: ): [url=http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/13/world/middleeast/times-journalist-iraq.html?_r=0]article[/url] [quote]A helicopter carrying aid from Iraq’s Kurdish autonomous government to stranded Yazidi refugees in the Sinjar mountains of northern Iraq crashed on Tuesday, killing the pilot and injuring other passengers, including a Yazidi member of Parliament and a New York Times journalist.[/quote] Encore une super journée quoi. :S[/quote]