[quote][b][url=/v3/forum/aviation-civile-17/topic/les-innovations-du-boeing-787-409/?post=103307#post-103307]nico2[/url] a dit le 09/08/2014 à 09:23 :[/b]

La série noire semble continuer :

[url=http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/passenger-jet-emergency-landing-remote-island-article-1.1896805]Plane's engine fails over Atlantic Ocean; Dreamliner jet makes terrifying landing on remote military base: 'It was more like a nightmare'[/url]

[quote]A British family's vacation nearly ended in a nightmare when one of their plane's engines stopped working as they flew over open water. The jet dropped 500-feet-per-minute but was able to make an emergency landing — at a remote military base guarded by armed soldiers.[/quote]

Ou le Dreamliner devenant le Screamliner...  :mrgreen: 

Cela étant il est déjà satisfaisant que l'avion ait pu se poser sur une base militaire des Açores.[/quote]